220 Thesis entitled 'William Thomson's Inventions for the Submarine Telegraph Industry: A Nineteenth-Century Technology Program'
1 item Department of Trade and Industry "Foresight for agriculture, horticulture and forestry - crop production"
1 item The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food report "Organic farming and gene transfer from genetically modified crops"
1 drawing National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Structural calculations in respect of checking stability of existing mural panels at South Yard
1 item Institute of Grocery Distribution "Communication and labelling guidelines for genetically modified crops"
210 Fax message from Scottish Crop Research Institute to Professor Michael Wilson concerning review of safety issues relating to GM foods
210 E-mail from Dr Rebecca Bowden to various persons relating to a Rowett Research Institute press release concerning genetically modified potatoes
1 item "Scientific-technical backgrounds for biotechnology regulations" by F Campagnari, V Sgaramella and G Van den Eede
1 item BATS Agency "Tools for safety assessment; The deliberate release of transgenic plants – biology, hazards and safety"
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) "GM agriculture in the UK?" Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) "GM agriculture in the UK?"
210 E-mail from Tony Combes to Daniel F Verakis relating to Michael Wilson's interview on BBC radio Kent about Dr Pusztai experiments and absence of sound science in his work