
Advance Proceedings of First International World-Wide Web Conference


Newspaper supplement entitled: 'Pride of Coventry: 125 years of road transport'

9 items

Alcock and Brown commemorative material

1 folder containing 2 items

Papers relating to the AVRO 504 Club


Lecture notes entitled 'Anorganische Chemie von Justus v. Liebig 1856-57'

0.35 linear metres

Papers of Manchester Airport Joint Action Group


Thesis entitled 'William Thomson's Inventions for the Submarine Telegraph Industry: A Nineteenth-Century Technology Program'

0.01 linear metres

Annual Report and Newspaper Cutting, Women's Electronic Village Hall

1 item

Department of Trade and Industry "Foresight for agriculture, horticulture and forestry - crop production"

2 files

Collection of correspondence to and from Burke

1 item

Environment foundation consultation at St. George's House correspondence and notes

1 item

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food report "Organic farming and gene transfer from genetically modified crops"

1 folder

Ferrabond (Proprietary) Ltd. statutory accounts

8 pages

City News Issue 84

1 item

Food Future "Consumers and biotechnology"

1 item

Proactive approaches to commercialising GMOs conference papers

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Structural calculations in respect of checking stability of existing mural panels at South Yard

1 folder

Folder of material relating to the Queen's Award

1 folder

Business and Budget Presentation delivered by J.W. Leng

1 folder

Press cuttings: January 1995 - August 1995

1 folder

Envelope of material relating to the Hot Bird 2 launch party

1 item

"Food Ethics Council" Pamphlet

1 item

BioBusiness issue

1 item

"Agricultural biotechnology and the environment science, policy and social issues"

1 item

Institute of Grocery Distribution "Communication and labelling guidelines for genetically modified crops"

1 folder

Folder of material relating to the Ariane 5 launch party

1 item

"GM agriculture in the UK?"

1 item

Annual Report 1993/4 and Newsletters

8 pages

City News Issue 80

1 item

The Royal Society reports


Fax message from Scottish Crop Research Institute to Professor Michael Wilson concerning review of safety issues relating to GM foods

1 volume

Order Book 5096 - 5500

1 item

"Agriculture, science and wealth creation - fourth annual lecture"

1 item

"Environmental impact of GM-crops" conference papers

1 item

Brochure entitled 'Asian Personal Communications'


E-mail from Dr Rebecca Bowden to various persons relating to a Rowett Research Institute press release concerning genetically modified potatoes

1 item

"Scientific-technical backgrounds for biotechnology regulations" by F Campagnari, V Sgaramella and G Van den Eede

1 item

Department of Systems Science Annual Report

1 folder

Folder entitled 'Ariane Launch Party'

1 report

"Applications of biotech to crops, benefits and risks" Issue paper 12

1 item

BATS Agency "Tools for safety assessment; The deliberate release of transgenic plants – biology, hazards and safety"


Helping to raise £100,000 for the British Aerospace Charity Challenge campaign

1 item

"Opportunity for all – Plant biotechnology"

1 item

"Biotechnology in crop protection – a BCPC view"

1 item

"The impact of genetic modification on agriculture, food and health"

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) "GM agriculture in the UK?"

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) "GM agriculture in the UK?"

1 file

Meeting documents from 23rd Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes meeting

1 item

Introduction to SCIMAC leaflet


E-mail from Tony Combes to Daniel F Verakis relating to Michael Wilson's interview on BBC radio Kent about Dr Pusztai experiments and absence of sound science in his work

1 item

"Biodiversity the UK action plan" report summary